Happy Ukrainian couple holding hands and hugging against background of national Ukrainian symbols

Relationship Myths

Common Relationship Myths

Relationships within the family and outside the family are a subject of constant debate, because, being an abstract and indefinite aspect of human life, they remain very complex and confusing. In fact, human relationships are very subjective. Depth, meaning, happiness, etc. differ from person to person. The path of successful relationships in one person's life may not be so favorable for another. However, there are certain generally accepted ways to evaluate relationships.

There are several types of relationships that exist between people. Family relationships, romantic relationships, parental relationships, extramarital relationships, etc. - here are just a few of them. Being in a relationship comes with an added responsibility and obligation, as the success of any relationship is the collective result of the attitudes, behaviors, and personal preferences of the two or more people involved in the relationship.

There are several myths about relationships that people usually believe to be true. Let's take a look at some of these common relationship myths.

For each person there is a soul mate or true love.

This is an obvious myth, and also a mistake - to believe that every person has a true love or soul mate. You enter into a relationship with a person not because he is the one and only who meets your requirements and corresponds to your consciousness. This person is just one of many similar to each other.

It is because you met him/her at the right time and in the right place that you enter into a relationship with him. If you were born in another region of the Earth, you could see another person, corresponding to your consciousness, and enter into a relationship with him. Therefore, it is quite possible that each person has more than one soul mate.

The best relationships are between people with similar personality traits

Many people are of the opinion that similar characters and mentality attract each other and force them to enter into a relationship. But this is a myth and a misconception. It is not the mentality and not the personality that attracts people. There are no identical people in the world, since individuality is the most important aspect of human life.

People who go hand in hand in some ways may be different in others. For example, people who enjoy the same food may differ in their political views. Similarity is a very vague concept. If two people are perfect in all their views and aspects, then the concept of individuality loses its meaning.

Love is everything in a relationship

This is another relationship myth that people believe love is the foundation of all relationships. Relationships can start with simple attraction and develop through love. But love isn't everything in a relationship. There are many other aspects such as responsibility, commitment, devotion, sacrifice, etc. to live in a long term relationship. Temperament, tolerance, humility, etc. are also important in relationships. But love, in fact, is the basis of all these qualities.

Sexual activity promotes relationships

Sex and the satisfaction of physical needs contribute to strengthening relationships, but it is a misconception that sex is a necessary factor in any relationship. Relationships are about much more than just physical needs and satisfaction. Relationships always require spiritual unity and emotional attachment, and sex is just one of the ways to achieve them.

Even without a sexual relationship, two people can remain in a long-term relationship and derive happiness and fulfillment from it. Thinking that sex is everything in a relationship can hurt its intensity, as both partners are not always ready or interested in a sexual relationship.

A new relationship is the best medicine after a breakup

This is another myth about relationships - to think that the ideal cure for a breakup is to quickly start a new relationship. Experts say that after a breakup, you need to find time to be alone in order to analyze the reasons for the breakup, as well as find ways not to repeat the mistakes in future relationships. Sometimes the reasons for the gap lie in the person himself.

Entering a new relationship without resolving the issue or changing the attitude can lead to a new breakup. Therefore, it is always advised not to rush into a new relationship soon after a breakup. A new relationship is not a cure for a breakup at all.

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